
WelCOme to team 212


Are you ready for lasting change?

Our system helps you achieve lasting change through small daily habits that lead to big goals.

The Core Four Framework

At Team 212, we focus on four core areas to help you thrive.





Join Now

Join the C4 Challenge and discover consistent growth and achievement!

Join the c4 challenge

What is C4?

The C4 (Core Four) Challenge is a simple yet powerful system designed to help you integrate positive habits into your daily routine. 

By focusing on four key areas each day, you’ll make steady progress towards your fitness, family, finance, and personal growth goals. 

Each activity you complete earns you points, keeping you motivated and accountable.

How c4 works

Everyday day, complete activities in the following four categories:

Each activity is worth points, allowing you to earn points daily and compete in challenges weekly.

Track your progress, stay motivated, and achieve your goals with the support of our community.


Engage in any form of physical exercise.

Incorporate greens into one of your meals or have a green drink.


Send a text or give a compliment to your spouse or partner.

Do something nice for a family member or someone in the community.


Learn something new to grow your skill set.

Share what you learned with the community.


Take time to meditate.

Spend time journaling your thoughts and reflections.


Engage in any form of physical exercise.

Incorporate greens into one of your meals or have a green drink.


Send a text or give a compliment to your spouse or partner.

Do something nice for a family member or someone in the community.


Learn something new to grow your skill set.

Share what you learned with the community.


Take time to meditate.

Spend time journaling your thoughts and reflections.

Why join the c4 challenge?

  1. Achieve Consistency: Small daily habits add up to significant progress over time.
  2. Stay Accountable: Our point system helps you stay accountable to your goals.
  3. Gain Support and Motivation: Be part of a community that supports and motivates each other.
  4. Experience Holistic Growth: Balance and improve all key areas of your life.

How to get started

Apply today and join the C4 challenge

Step 1: Commit to the Process: Decide to make C4 a part of your daily routine. Sign up for the challenge now!

Step 2: Track Your Points: When you join the challenge, you will get a C4 Habit Tracker to keep track of your points.

Step 3: Share Your Progress: Post your daily point progress in our exclusive community. Recieve encouragement, support and accountability from other members.

Step 4: Encourage Others: Share your success stories and challenges with the group to inspire and support each other. Feel your confidence soar as you witness the impact of your success.

Join Our Community

Ready to start your journey towards consistent growth and achievement? Join our community today and transform your life with the C4 Daily Process.

Sign up now and be part of a group that’s dedicated to reaching new heights together.


“Being a part of Team 212 has transformed how I approach my goals. It’s not about going at it alone anymore. It’s about belonging to a tribe that understands the journey and is there to celebrate the victories and navigate the setbacks together. If you’re looking to make meaningful progress in your life and achieve your goals with the support of a solid group of like-minded individuals, I highly recommend joining Team 212. Together, we’re not just setting and achieving goals, we’re paving a path to success and fulfillment that is truly remarkable.”

Nick McGowan

Founder, Critical Care Academy

“Team 212 has opened my eyes to real accountability and encouragement. It’s a support system that has helped me not only intentionally create goals but also accomplish them. My business has moved forward, my health has moved forward, my marriage has moved forward and intentional fun in my life has become a priority. Thankful for the inspiration I gain at weekly meetings and it’s amazing to be surrounded by people who not only say what they want to do but position themselves to do it!”

Sarah-Gayle Galbreath

Hope Relentless Marriage and Relationship Center

“Team 212 has given me the right tools, support system, and discipline to push me towards obtaining my goals. I would highly recommend this program to other people.”

Ben Vosika

Executive Recruiter in Biotech and Pharmaceutical Industry
